
Programs & Standards


AEQ addresses international concern that weapons systems are unreliable during the developmental and testing phases. Insufficient consistency in engineering activities and logistics planning during acquisition phases lead to higher ownership costs. This trend is indicative of not having reliability, availability and maintainability (RAM) protocols built into systems designs .

AEQ implements programs to execute a viable system-engineering strategy, including a robust RAM program as an integral part of the design and development of its products.

Reliability Program Plan

Comprised of four objectives; (1) Understand the customer/user's requirements, (2) Design for reliability, (3) Produce reliable systems, and (4) Monitor and assess field reliability.

System Reliability Model

Employed to generate and update the reliability allocations, from the system level down to lower indenture levels, to aggregate system-level reliability based on reliability estimates from lower indenture levels, to identify single points of failure and critical areas where additional design or testing activities are required in order to achieve the reliability requirements.

Systems-Engineering Integration

A comprehensive process that translates customers’ needs and requirements into suitable products while balancing performance, risk, cost, and schedule. AEQ works diligently to incorporate the reliability program plan and system model throughout its processes and submits potential reliability improvements as identified. AEQ monitors and evaluates the reliability impact of changes to designs, systems and manufacturing and ensure adherence to design rules and guidelines.


AEQ implements systematic training and Quality Management System (QMS) programs to ensure compliance with the AQAP standard - QAP 2110 NATO Quality Assurance Requirements for Design, Development and Production and to follow ISO9001 guidelines.

Furthermore, AEQ implements  “Industry Best Practices” procedures to ensure compliance to local and international engineering, production and safety standards.